What will you do with your one wild & precious life?
-Mary Oliver

The Well is a space for you to fill your cup with inspiration, healing and coming home to what is true for you. We believe that feeling good is your birthright, that the body, mind and spirit can heal, and that there are many roads to do so. We offer small-group, all- inclusive, multi-faceted retreats around the world that serve as containers for deep replenishment and transformation. Travel inside and out are designed as medicine. We also share inspiration and ideas about living well and healing in our Blog “Fierce Heart Society”. The Well has an infinite source, so drink as much as you like. 

Explore retreats

We believe life is meant to feel oh so very good 



Us vs them is an illusion. It's just us. There are many roads to Rome.


Dedication to honesty, respect & truth - always.


Change is the only constant. You can harness it for good.


The body is the first home - let's enjoy living here.


A healthy mind is a mind in service to heart.

wellness of spirit

Connect with who you really are beyond form.

Casey's Journey

the why behind creating the well 

Growing up in Canada's West Coast with supportive open-minded parents, Casey was fortunate to discover the healing power of movement through dance and yoga at a young age. Her travel agent mother sparked her love to explore new parts of the world, and she noticed how renewing and transformative a trip could be. At 16, Casey traveled to the Sunshine Coast and experienced what would be the first of many retreats. The power of stepping away from daily life to immerse herself in the inner worlds in a safe container with a small group of seekers was powerful beyond words. Though words can only point to the thing and never be the thing itself, she found great healing in reading words of wisdom and new perspectives in books as well as expressing herself through writing - from journaling to an English degree.

At 23, she developed a skin condition that painfully covered most of her body, and which led her to discover a plethora of healing avenues. She made a full recovery, and went on to study and then practice Bio-Energy Healing in clinics in both Vancouver and Edmonton for several years. At 27, she called off an engagement months to a wedding after discovering a partner was unfaithful, which allowed her to end a misaligned relationship and later find a partnership more beautiful than imaginable.  At 30, she first visited The Himalayas - the Crown Chakra of the Earth - and met a four-pound street puppy in a garbage dump she just couldn't leave behind. Upon return to Vancouver the dog lost all her fur and and couldn't bear to be touched due to the painful sores covering her body, but she made a full recovery to radiant health and created so much rich learning and growth for Casey in the process.

The Well is Casey's love song for her fellow humans - an offering to support all who need it in remembering their birthright to live well and enjoy life, and a reminder that healing is always a possibility. Her many years in the corporate world taught her the importance of time dedicated to rejuvenation to prevent and heal from the burnout and exhaustion so rampant in today's fast-faced technology-infused business world. A perpetual student of the fascinating world of Earth and body, Casey is passionate about time away from time dedicated to wellness and the creative exploration of what it means to be here in the body. She loves creating space for people to reconnect with their inner fire, and to feel the sweetness of being alive - good food, dancing, breakthrough conversations, and adventuring the world.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Victoria and is a Certified Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner & Teacher. She lives in Vancouver with her husband & their dog Pax and cats Artie & Merlin. 

Let's Work Together and Get You Glowing. Book your Bio-Energy Healing Session or Spa Day at The Well Sanctuary.

Ready to Heal?