You deserve to enjoy life in body, mind & spirit
Us vs them is an illusion. It's just us. There are many roads to Rome.
Dedication to honesty, respect & truth - always.
Change is the only constant. You can harness it for good.
The body is the first home - let's enjoy living here.
A healthy mind is a mind in service to heart.
Connect with who you really are beyond form.
The Well is Casey's love song for her fellow humans - an offering to support all who need it in remembering their birthright to live well and enjoy life, and a reminder that healing is always a possibility. Her many years in the corporate world taught her the importance of time dedicated to rejuvenation to prevent and heal from the burnout and exhaustion so rampant in today's fast-faced technology-infused business world. A perpetual student of the fascinating world of Earth and body, Casey is passionate about time away from time dedicated to wellness and the creative exploration of what it means to be here in the body. She loves creating space for people to reconnect with their inner fire, and to feel the sweetness of being alive - good food, dancing, breakthrough conversations, and adventuring the world. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Victoria and is a Certified Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner & Teacher. She lives in Vancouver with her husband & their dog Pax and cats Artie & Merlin.